Wahh, tampilan blog sekarang sudah diupgrade, lebih bersih, tertata rapi, terasa lebih luas. He, but kali ini bukan buat ngebahas soal upgrade yg dibuat blogger.
Awalnya tadi saya mau email customer si boss buat ngirim quotation, then kawan kantor bilang dia baca di yahoo semalam ada badai salju di Padang, Sumatera Barat. Saya bingung, sejak kapan musim di Indonesia ada salju, ntah bersyukur karna ada salju, atau justru sedih karena yg datang malah badai salju. Buat memastikan, saya coba ngebuka homepagenya Yahoo! then bukan soal badai salju yg saya dapat. Mulai dari berita Hotman-Merriam, Kostum Lady Gaga yg paling normal, Ikan hiu paus yg mati, Hebohnya film "The Raid" garapan dalam negeri yg sempet dikira banyak orang filmnya orang barat, sampai dapet artikel yg bilang qlo Archie alias David Archuleta memutuskan buat say Goodbye kepada industri dunia hiburan yg udah sempat bikin naik namanya. Sangat disayangkan, ya tentu saja. Saya adalah salah satu penggemarnya, Penyanyi terobosan American Idol tahun 2008 ini punya suara yg buat saya sangat menikmati lagunya.
But David bukan berhenti karena masalah pribadi atau yang lainnya, kali ini karena suatu pekerjaan yang mulia sedang menunggunya. Hwaaa.....David bakal jadi missionaris di gereja Mormon. Sekilas coba googling soal Gereja Mormon, dan ternyata mereka juga salah satu gereja grup Non-Trinity. David akan melayanani sebagai missionaris selama 2 tahun di negara yang masih dirahasiakan namanya, tapi saya sempat baca ada yang bilang David akan melayani di Chili ♥
But David, saya bersyukur, ternyata idola saya adalah orang yang setidaknya tidak hidup untuk dirinya sendiri, melainkan hidup bagi Tuhan ♥♥
But bener, bakal kangen berat dengannya. Archie sempat mengunggah videonya di You Tube yg berjudul It's not Goodbye.
Tentang gereja Mormon, sebenarnya saya jadi sedikit penasaran tentang gereja itu jadi postingan selanjutnya saya coba kutip artikel mengenai gereja ini, buat nambah pengetahuan teman-teman.
Meskipun begitu saya merasakan bahwa yang David jalani adalah apa yang menjadi keyakinan dan iman percayanya, meski ada beberapa penggemar yang menyayangkan keputusannya menjadi misionaris Gereja Mormon, namun tidak sedikit dukungan yang diberikan padanya dalam menjalani misinya itu. See u on 2014 David, we always waiting for you.
Beberapa komentar dari penggemarnya Archies di kapanlagi.com dan archuletafanscene.com:
Mormon,, really.. oh no david those doesn't believe that JESUS Christ is LORD just Label, only help people in the world but not help salvation for their life to heaven, I have a lot experience to prove that Mormon is bullshit, sorry I pray u back to trully mission of church. JESUS BLESS U.
Thank you for all you have done for us, As you were speaking I see a change in you,you are going into a whole new experience, a new journey. Remember the first time you went on the stage to sing..That is what you are feeling . Look at you now on stage right where you belong.
People love you David,because they feel your love. So just be yourself and things will be fine.
Most of your fans have been following you since you walked on the American Idol Stage or sooner.Just be yourself you are a very special person,just ask any fan.
good luck for your mission .. i hope that it will be perfect … and nice performance to stand for another stage of life .. idol DAVID ARCHULETA.. i wish you that you wuold be safe always and dont forget to pray yo our lord .. as well as me .. yes i pray for you first ..BE GOOD HEALTH,, BE TRUST YOUR SELF, BE HAPPY. because all your fans will be with you to support yes, im the one for your fans .. sorry for my letter because im not an american im a pilipino fans huhuhuhuhu …the 2 years is a long years for you also for us .. i will missing you .. an ill wait for for the next vlog .. if you will come back home . aeheheh ingat ka lage .. we love you…
Thank you, David for your poignant goodbye message to us…Right now, I’m at a loss for words – which is relatively rare for me lol, but, I have tears in my eyes that I’m having a tough time seeing through…thank you so much for being my beacon of hope…I’ll be forever grateful as I count the days ’til your return…God’s speed, David, and, until next time, stay well, stay safe and stay happy!!
sharon g
When I saw this video it reminded me of something Mother Teresa said which I look at frequently, a beautiful reminder of what’s important:
We need to find God, and he cannot be found in noise and restlessness. God is the friend of silence. See how nature – trees, flowers, grass- grows in silence; see the stars, the moon and the sun, how they move in silence… We need silence to be able to touch souls.
So we fans are now in a ‘silent mode” so David can touch others souls in a different fashion than through his music.
How can one but not rejoice in that.
David Arch, be Light and Salt in the World
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